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Passfoto Tom Maier

Personal information

First name and surname Thomas Maier
Academic degree Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Address Zeppelinstraße 12a/7, A-8055 Graz
Citizenship Austria
Birth date July 13, 1978
Gender Male

Work experience

Period 1998 (6 months)
Occupation or function Production worker
Most important activity and responsibilities Assembly line work
Name and address of the employer Philips Components Lebring
Area of ​​activity of the industry Production of screen tubes
Period 1999
Occupation or function Basic military service
Most important activity and responsibilities Pioneer
Name and address of the employer Austrian Armed Forces, Turbakaserne Pinkafeld, Burgenland
Activity National defense
Period 2000 - 2002 (2 years)
Profession or function Technical employee
Most important activity and responsibilities Testing of microchips in the weekend shift
Name and address of the employer Austria Micro Systems, 8141 Unterpremstätten
Field of activity Production of microchips
Period 2002 - 2007 (6 years)
Profession or function Commercial clerk
Main activities and responsibilities Marketing and office management
Name and address of the employer LM-Friseurbedarf, Maier, 8010 Graz
Field of activit Trade in hairdressing equipment
Period 2017 - 2020 (3 years)
Occupation or function Voluntary work in the Caritas Open Learning Center
Most important activities and responsibilities Learning support
Name and address of the employer Caritas, 8010 Graz
Field of activit social sector
Currently Operator of the learning platform

Education and training

Period 2002 - 2003 (2 years)
Designation of the qualifications Professional maturity test (Matura) on the basis of "apprenticeship qualification for office clerk"
Main subjects Business administration and the Matura subjects: German, mathematics, English
Name and type of educational institution WIFI Graz
Level of the national or international classification ISCED 4 To the certificate
Period 2008 - 2010 (4 semesters)
Designation of the qualifications Business acadamy college
Main subjects Media economics, Business informatics
Name and type of educational institution Handelsakademie Grazbachgasse
Level of the national or international classification ISCED 5 To the certificate
Period 2010 - 2014 (7 semesters)
Designation of the qualifications Information and communication pedagogy
Main subjects Teacher training for information and communication
Name and type of educational institution Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Level of the national or international classification ISCED 6 To the certificate
ISCED = International Standard Classification of Education 2011

Personal skills and competencies

Mother tongue German
Self-assessment of the other languages  
English B1
French A1
Spanish A0
Croatian A0
Social skills and competencies Communication training, gender mainstream, various educational skills
Organizational skills and competencies Practical experience of office organization (office management), processing, word processing, ten-finger touch typing, written correspondence
Technical skills and competencies Good knowledge in office technology
Artistic skills and competencies Color and design theory
Software: DP with CorelSuite, Adobe CS, web design with Dreamweaver
IT skills and competencies Operating systems: LINUX, Windows and OSX
Programming languages: Visual Basic, Java-Script
Databases: Access, MySQL
Office: LibreOffice, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio
Other skills and competencies Marketing and advertising, media management, business management
Driving licenses No driving licenses